The Slow Fashion Show (SFS) platform focused on a young generation of fashion designers, who combined style and technology to create Slow Fashion collections. Only a select number of fashion students see their collections on the runway, with this platform every student has the opportunity to show their collections.

Future of Fashion - slow, sustainable, eco-friendly, technological and innovative.

SFS is an immersive showcasing environment to discover and connect with new emerging brands and collaborations within the creative industries, exploring the intersection of fashion, music, art, photography, technology and performance.

Be part of the future and do the change!

Programme provides access to networking, industry insights and our international professional network to develop or enhance business collaborations which can lead to future employment or other fashion related opportunities.

Slow Fashion Show is a digital and physical showcasing platform, bringing the creative talent of different universities to a global community.

Before the SFS show all students have the opportunity to send a portfolio to us, and have a chance to take part in our show.

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All Rights Reserved